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What is its advantage of the new shpinner hanger type shot blasting machine with Magnetic sorting system? ?


Mayflay company hase researched the new type ---spinner hanger type shot blasting machine with Magnetic sorting system,which is suitable for sand casting industry and non - metallic impurities.

In particular, the workpieces in sand casting industry has the below features:

1. The product is covered with too much sand or other non-metallic impurities.

2. During the shot blasting project, the dust of the shot blasting machine will be large, which will cause the whole dust removal system to be broken down quickly, and the maintenance cost will be high.

3. Shot blasting efficiency is very low, product cleaning is not clean, etc.(because the impurities and sand mix into the shot blasting machine and shot blasting chamber for a long time, the whole shot material is 50% dust.The dust collector failed and the product was covered with a lot of dust.)

4. A large number of non-metallic substances enter the shot blasting device, resulting in high frequency of replacement of vulnerable parts of the shot blasting device and high maintenance cost.

So what are the advantages of this shot blasting machine?

1. This shot blasting device independently developed by Mayflay is a venturi wet dust collector with good dust removal effect.

2. Shot blasting machine is fully machined, high precision, and its life is 3-10 times that of ordinary shot blasting machine.

3. The emphasis is on the separation system---Magnetic sorting system. Our standard separation system generally adopts the air separation system. In the shot blasting process, the steel shot, sand and impurities on the product are all separated, and the steel shot to the shot blasting machine is all very clean, sand and impurities are all into the waste bin.

4. Because the separation system filters all the impurities, the steel shot entering the shot blasting machine is very clean, which greatly reduces the wear of the shot blasting machine and greatly improves the service life of the shot blasting machine.

5. As the separation system filters all impurities into the waste bin, the dust entering the dust removal system is greatly reduced, and the maintenance cost of the dust removal system is greatly reduced.

6. Finally, the efficiency and quality of shot blasting are improved. Our machine was personally tested on the customer's site, and the efficiency was increased by more than 2 times.Now it only takes 6 minutes to blast

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