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​Celebrate the success of the Mayflay 2019 Anniversary!


Celebrate the success of the Mayflay Anniversary!

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the motherland's birthday celebration, Mayflay also attracted an annual anniversary celebration at the National people happy Festival. The Mayflay people also participated in various activities, games and scenes organized by the Ministry of Personnel. A laughter!

The Mayflay people feel a lot, you grow up with me, I will grow up with you! The growth of a company is like a person's growth. It must go through pregnancy, babyhood, early childhood, youth, and then adult, and slowly grow old.

Each stage faces different growth, different difficulties, and different tempering. Enterprises are also like this. At each stage, enterprises must face the dilemma that must be faced at this stage, but the Mayflay people are conscientious, hard-working, constantly innovating, and constantly growing!

Every day, we welcome a different day in Mayflay. Every day, I am cheering for myself, and I am refreshing my records every day! Encourage yourself every day! Every day is improving!

Here, Mayflay blessed the national compatriots and celebrated the happy birthday of the motherland! At the same time, I also wish you all the suppliers of Mayflay, the business of customers and friends is booming!

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